Footprints Gan - פוט פרינטס גן - תל אביב

חינוך מונטסורי

About Us

The first socialization outside the immediate family occurs in gan. At Footprints, children develop themselves in a warm, safe and affectionate environment; a space carefully designed for kids who are beginning to discover the world and plant the seed for further education.

We believe children build their own knowledge. We respect their schedules, needs and feelings. Our gan fosters activities that enable kids to create questions and question themselves, to investigate and interact with objects, phenomena and processes find in our gan a privileged place.

Our teachers, combined with our small class size, create the optimal environment for your little one to develop a joyful confidence with which to explore, discover, create, and learn!

עיר: תל אביב

גילאים: 1-3


The first socialization outside the immediate family occurs in gan. At Footprints, children develop themselves in a warm, safe and affectionate environment; a space carefully designed for kids who are beginning to discover the world and plant the seed for further education.

כתובת מלאה

ארלוזורוב 194 תל אביב

מספר טלפון


אתר אינטרנט

דף פייסבוק

חוות דעת על המוסד

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מעוניין בפרטים נוספים?

דרושים 3-6 הכפר הירוק

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ההרשמה לגן מונטסורי תל אביב בעיצומה!

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